School Compliance with Asbestos Management Regulation

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) mandates that both public schools and not-for-profit schools follow certain procedures to help maintain safety from exposure at schools sites known to contain asbestos. The Environmental Protection Agency lists the following requirements:

  • Perform an original inspection to determine whether asbestos-containing materials are present and then re-inspect asbestos-containing material in each school every three years
  • Develop, maintain, and update an asbestos management plan and keep a copy at the school
  • Provide yearly notification to parent, teacher, and employee organizations on the availability of the school's asbestos management plan and any asbestos-related actions taken or planned in the school
  • Designate a contact person to ensure the responsibilities of the public school district or the non-profit school are properly implemented
  • Perform periodic surveillance of known or suspected asbestos-containing building material
  • Ensure that trained and licensed professionals perform inspections and take response actions
  • Provide custodial staff with asbestos-awareness training

The School Administration is also required by AHERA to maintain an asbestos management plan. Within that plan, the below records are required:

  • Name and address of each school building and whether the building has asbestos-containing building material, and the type of asbestos-containing material
  • Date of the original school inspection
  • Plan for re-inspections
  • Blueprint that clearly identifies the location of asbestos-containing building materials that remains in the school
  • Description of any response action or preventive measures taken to reduce asbestos exposure
  • Copy of the analysis of any building, and the name and address of any laboratory that sampled the material
  • Name, address, and telephone number of the "designated person" or contact to ensure the duties of the school district or non-profit private school are carried out
  • Description of steps taken to inform workers, teachers, and students or their legal guardians about inspections, re-inspections, response actions, and periodic surveillance

It is important to note that teachers, faculty as well as parents have a right to inspect the institution's asbestos management plan. Just because these regulations exist does not mean that they are always being followed. Many schools have received unsatisfactory marks in containing the deadly mineral. Click here to check out this article detailing an unacceptable number of schools falling behind in their asbestos management. It is vital that parents and school administrators stay vigilant in maintaining best practices when it comes to their asbestos management plan.

The Paul Law Firm advocates for victims of asbestos-related diseases. If you or a loved one is suffering from mesothelioma, call the Paul Law Firm. With over 2.5 billion dollars collected for victims of asbestos exposure, we have the knowledge and the experience to fight for you. We also understand that fighting doesn't just happen in the courtroom. It also happens in a lab where we are fighting for a cure. Check out the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America here.

Call us today at 1-855 88 LEGAL (885-3425) or contact us online to discuss your case with one of our experienced mesothelioma lawyers.
