In a new study out of Italy, which included 757 pleural mesothelioma cases, researchers concluded that there is likely a link between asbestos related lung cancers and doll manufacturing. The article, published in La Medicina Del Lavoro, “found three cases of pleural epithelial mesothelioma histologically diagnosed in young women who had worked in two doll manufacturing companies and whose asbestos exposure had been initially defined as ‘unknown.’” The study’s author’s have reclassified their exposure from “unknown” to “occupational certified.”
Because mesothelioma and asbestos related cancers are closely correlated to occupational exposure such as construction, military, or shipbuilding it impacts about three times as many men as it does women. Doll manufacturing however was never traditionally associated with asbestos exposure.
The Paul Law Firm advocates for victims of asbestos-related diseases. If you or a loved one is suffering from mesothelioma, call the Paul Law Firm. With over 2.5 billion dollars collected for victims of asbestos exposure, we have the knowledge and the experience to fight for you. We also understand that fighting doesn’t just happen in the courtroom. It also happens in a lab where we are fighting for a cure. Check out the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America here.
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